猫やネズミ用の小さな金属製の甲冑 / Jeff de Boer

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Artist Creates Intricate Metal Armor for Cats and Mice Inspired by World History via My Modern Met

カナダのアーティスト Jeff de Boer さんが作る、猫やネズミ、犬用の小さな金属製の甲冑です。サムライやバイキングが着ていた甲冑にインスピレーションを得て、猫やネズミなどが着用することを想像した金属の精巧な鎧や兜を作っています。
Cat armor made from metal inspired by chinese history
Mice armor made from metal inspired by the vikings
Mice armor made from metal inspired by British history
Mice armor made from metal inspired by the samurai
Dog armor made from metal inspired by military history
Cat armor made from metal inspired by the samurai
Cat armor made from metal inspired by the samurai
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