廃材を組み合わせて作った昆虫の彫刻 / Mark Oliver

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Abandoned Materials Are Upcycled Into Charming Bug Sculptures via My Modern Met

イギリスのアーティスト Mark Oliver さんが、廃材を使って制作した昆虫の彫刻です。金属くずなど様々な廃材を巧みに組み合わせて、魅力的な昆虫の像を作っています。
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
Upcycled Sculptures of Bugs by Mark Oliver
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