ベトナム・ハノイで見かけた大量の荷物を自転車で運ぶ人々のイラスト / Eisen Bernard Bernardo

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I Illustrate The Amazing Loads Of Motorbikes In Hanoi, Vietnam via boredpanda

ベトナム・ハノイのグラフィック・デザイナー Eisen Bernard Bernardo さんが、ハノイで見かけた大量の荷物を自転車で運ぶ人たちを描いたものです。


I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
I Illustrate The Amazing Motorbikes (and Their Loads) In Hanoi
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