​空撮写真のように雄大な自然を描いた油彩画 / Philip Govedare

- Picks

Stunning Oil Paintings That Look Like Aerial Views of Western Landscapes via My Modern Met

アメリカの画家 Philip Govedare さんが、上空からの視点で想像上の自然風景を描いた油彩画です。アメリカ西部を想起させる想像上の雄大な風景を、まるで空撮写真のように、油彩で空から見渡すように描いています。
Contemporary Landscape Oil Painting by Philip Govedare
Aerial Landscape Painting by Philip Govedare
Contemporary Landscape Oil Painting by Philip Govedare
Aerial Landscape Painting by Philip Govedare
Contemporary Landscape Oil Painting by Philip Govedare
Aerial Landscape Painting by Philip Govedare
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